Married on a Volcano | Rob & Lauren’s Edmonton Wedding and Portrait Photography Blog

Married on a Volcano | Rob & Lauren’s Edmonton Wedding and Portrait Photography Blog

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Married on a Volcano

September 24, 2009 // Posted by lauren in Destination Weddings Fun Stuff Weddings

Photos first.

























 Wedding day lunch.








 The story:
Well, in case you are new to this blog, or didn’t notice the header photos, the two stunning folks in these wedding photos are indeed us. Yes. We just got married.
After spending the last three years of our almost five year relationship being completely consumed with wedding photography, we decided that we would need a wedding a bit out of the ordinary. So we flew to Santorini, Greece, one of the most beautiful places we’ve ever been. It was just to the two of us, doing it exactly how we wanted it. And it was amazing.
We woke up late, shared a nice little breakfast together, complete with a delicious mimosa 🙂 Then I did my own hair and makeup (what a challenge!! I’m not a hair and makeup girl at all, so I was sitting there in the morning watching YouTube videos on how to do a chignon! True story :)), we got ready, and headed off to take our own wedding photos.
Yep, as I’m sure you’ve gathered, we took all of these photos of ourselves. It was such a crazy fun and challenging experience, we had a blast!! There are tons more to share, especially when we get all of our film back from the lab. But for now I hope you enjoyed finally finding out where we would run off to in the middle of the season 🙂
I want to share a few links with you. You see, I did all our wedding shopping on, pretty much the best website in the whole wide world. And the people that I worked with were so incredibly sweet, it was the best experience. So I really want to make sure to give them some props!
My dress was handmade by the amazing Nancy Wilder. She was the sweetest ever, always sending me little updates on the progress. And then, in a totally tear inducing act of kindness, she included a small piece of cobalt blue shore glass, as my “something blue”. Yes. People that nice really do exist!! Thank you so so so much Nancy, the dress was more than perfect 🙂
You might have noticed that our rings are pretty frickin’ sweet. Well, you’d be right. We are actually completely obsessed with them. They arrived a couple weeks before we left for Greece, but we were so smitten that we actually wore them in secret as much as we could 🙂 They are rose gold bands, and the edges are left somewhat irregular making each one unique. They are absolutely and completely perfect. They were handmade by the amazing Jenn from Red Cat Run Studio.
And finally, you might have noticed that Rob’s belt and my necklace were a matching pair, as well as being just absolutely gorgeous. They were made by the extremely talented Naomi from Flight Path Designs. We’re both completely obsessed with her work, and will be getting a whole lot more of her amazing pieces. Seriously check them out and I challenge you not to fall completely in love with her art.
Well, I have about a bazillion emails to start working on, and we have a stellar wedding to prep for this weekend!! But we’ll be sharing some more photos in the next little while. Hope you all had an awesome two weeks, and we’re excited to be back and shooting!!
Tons of love,
Rob and Lauren Lim!!!!! 🙂

destination wedding photography,

greek wedding photography,



wedding in greece

(71 comments so far)

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Kristina McAnally
13 hours, 45 minutes ago
Congratulations! What a beautiful and intimate story! No one else could have captured you two the way that you two did. Brave…but awesome!
Congratulations again!

14 hours, 6 minutes ago
Stunning. The photos, the location, the story, and the two of you! Your wedding story is truly in Rob and Lauren style. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Much love always, Cherie & Kevin. 🙂

15 hours, 15 minutes ago
How ROMANTIC! Congratulations, I loved the surprise, it brought a huge smile to my face, thanks for sharing!

C.J. Scott
1 day, 1 hour ago
Lauren & Rob…congratulations!!! You guys are truly so awesome and I love how you flew off to Greece and did things the way you did! May you both be blessed in life and love forever!

Andy Mikula
1 day, 6 hours ago
Lauren! Congratulations!!!

1 day, 9 hours ago
so fantastic!! Congratulations on a beautiful day. Love how you captured yourselves on such a special day. Kudos to you both for making it a day to celebrate you and your love 🙂

READ  Hello there! | Rob & Lauren’s Edmonton Wedding and Portrait Photography Blog

Raj and Sonal
1 day, 11 hours ago
Congratulations to an amazing couple!!! We truly wish you all the best:)

1 day, 12 hours ago
Wow… I am so happy for you both!!!! There are few things more incredible in life than seeing people do what they are truly meant to do. Your work and your hearts have inspired countless people and I am personally grateful to have met you both… Even more amazing is when two genuine people, doing what they are meant to do, find each other to become the uber-awesome (is that a word) couple that you are! I couldn’t be happier for you both! Best wishes to you for an amazing life together, full of all the richness of life that you both deserve.

1 day, 12 hours ago
Wow, that is so awesome! Congrats to you two. You guys look great!

Greg Kureluk
1 day, 13 hours ago
Congrats you two!! The pictures are great. Very happy for you. From experience, you couldn’t have picked a better spot to begin the first day of the rest of your lives.

Susan & Krister
1 day, 13 hours ago
Wow you guys! What a surprise! Congratulations on your wedding! Looks very private… and beautiful. All the best! Susan & Krister

matt sloan
1 day, 13 hours ago
so awesome! congrats guys!

Justin Van Leeuwen
1 day, 14 hours ago
And in some ways some of your best photos (those personal projects often are no?).
Great stuff and inspiring (can’t show my girlfriend this yet or else!)

1 day, 16 hours ago
Oh! And finally, a post that gets you the # of comments that you’ve always wanted from all of your followers!

1 day, 16 hours ago
WOW! Gerryl called me last night asking if I’d been on your site lately. I said, “No, I think they’re gone til the 25th or something”. Then she blabbed all about the surprise post, about Greece, about the make-up shot, about Rob donning a tux, and then about you guys getting married! She was not exaggerating. The pics are amazing and you both look gorgeous! Congratulations to a very talented pair of photographers and I wish you all of the best together; you deserve it. Welcome back to reality!

1 day, 16 hours ago
Well, I’m fairly new to the blog and this totally deserves a comment (or more, if I could). What a beautiful and perfect and intimate way to get married. And doing all the pictures yourselves…well done!!!! Totally moved by this expression of what a wedding should be.

Laurie Gettis
2 days, 1 hour ago
Guys, you never cease to amaze!
How Rob and Lauren-ly bold of you.
Congrats! THe pics are amazing!
So happy for the both of you 🙂

Matt Ebenezer
2 days, 2 hours ago
You guys are totally awesome! Congratulations!

James Day
2 days, 4 hours ago
Effing Awesome news guys! The photos really are gorgeous. You don’t look too bogan… 🙂

2 days, 5 hours ago
Oh, these are so beautiful!!!! I love the photograph of the two of you on the 2nd story of the “ruins”.
And I giggled to see where your bands came from… I HEART Jenn. She made our wedding bands too—also in rose gold. They’re absolutely AMAZING, aren’t they? What a small world!
We haven’t married yet but I’m thinking about doing something just like this… You’ve given me the courage to shoot my own elopement! Can’t wait to see the rest of your photos.

2 days, 5 hours ago
I know you probably have a million emails and comments saying the exact same thing, but here’s one more for you!
Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Lim!
The images are truly fabulous:)

2 days, 6 hours ago
I heart the close-up of you (Lauren) with the sun shining out of your head… lovely make-up job btw! And Rob in the doorway is adorable.
Beautiful job, as usual 🙂
Congrats cats.

2 days, 6 hours ago
Oh congrats you two!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just about cried…..all the best and the pics are AMAZING!!!!! (The shot of the mirror/make up….I was all like, “that looks like Lauren”…lol)
Lots of Love,
The Amorins, xoxox!!!!

2 days, 6 hours ago
OH HEEELLLLL YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 days, 7 hours ago
Congratulations!! That’s really awesome! I love the picture with the sun in the background and the rainbows! Greece is beautiful! You are both beautiful! Many blessings!

2 days, 7 hours ago
Congrats Rob and Lauren! Great job on the pics, they rock. I wish you a lifetime of love, happiness, health and wealth. Great job, great work, and congrats again! (PS. Great work at keeping it secret from all us blog readers too..)

2 days, 7 hours ago

2 days, 8 hours ago
Hello Mr and Mrs Lim! Thank you for making my day! I literally woke up, saw Lauren’s new profile pic, ran to my computer without even taking a morning pee, read your blog, and now I’m left feeling all warm and fuzzy inside! Thank you for showing us what true love looks like and +1 on what Karla said re: staying true to who you are as people. You’ve brought a tear to my eye and I am completely HAPPY and EXCITED for what is ahead for you two 🙂 Much love and ((hugs))! Congratulations 🙂

READ  Barbara & Anthony // Wedding | Rob & Lauren’s Edmonton Wedding and Portrait Photography Blog

2 days, 8 hours ago
Whicked! You guys are my new favorite people on Earth! I think I will keep this little love story in the back of my head and when I need inspiration about love, and cool people… I am going to think of you. Congratulations for being true to who YOU are in the wedding of your dreams…Tears in my eyes, shivers in my little hairs at the back of my head and all down my arms… cool!

2 days, 9 hours ago
WOW!! Congrats you two! Your pictures are stunning, I can’t believe you did them all yourselves – what a challenge! You both looked amazing. I especially love your veil Lauren.

2 days, 9 hours ago
Congratulations! What an absolute beautiful place to get married! My husband and I are also wedding photographers, who also ran away and got married (six years ago) without telling anyone and we also did our own wedding photography.

2 days, 10 hours ago
So awesome! I’m still in shock! I remember during our wedding you both said you wanted to take your own wedding pictures…amazing!
Lauren…now is the perfect time to change it up to L&R!
Congrats to you both!

2 days, 10 hours ago
WOW! congrats!! You can really feel the love in these photos..they are so beautiful!

Camille & Chadwick
2 days, 10 hours ago
Dear Rob & Lauren,
Well, you know we’re not really up on blog posting or commenting, but wow are we ever moved by your post and your UNION!
Congratulations, what a beautiful life adventure! The images are so special and we wish you continued success in your relationship and in this crazy lovely business.
Hugs to you both!

2 days, 10 hours ago
Ok you two. I am seriously BAWLING. At work. in my cubicle. For everyone to see.
Seriously. You both look amazing, that dress is incredible – and there is so much love in these photos.
You are phenomenal.
Congrats. I am SO happy for you both!
(Now if only I could stop crying)

tracey heppner
2 days, 10 hours ago
omg!!!!!!!! congrats you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m sooooooooooooo excited for you!! what a fabulous wedding!!!
and you guys are freakin’ rawkstars to even SHOOT your own wedding… WOW!! 🙂
lots more fantastic years of togetherness to you!!

kelsy nielson
2 days, 11 hours ago
YA for weddings! Especially your own! Love your idea. And by taking your own pictures you got to choose what time of day, if only everyone was so clever!

2 days, 12 hours ago
Lauren I totally thought you were joking when you said you were convinced you could take your own wedding photos.
Congratulations to the both of you, I’m so happy for you!! I am also jealous of your trip, it looks AMAZING!!!
You guys both have awesome style, And I just love it !

Michelle & BJ & Roscoe
2 days, 12 hours ago
Like all your pictures, these are stunning… we’re so so happy for the two of you (good thing it only took us forever to notice your wedding bands 🙂
Congrats again and here’s to many happy appie/wine/movie nights in the future!
Love Michelle, BJ & Roscoe

Kate Rose
2 days, 12 hours ago
Wow. It’s beautiful to see your relationship in picture form. There’s just so much love in those images- almost made me cry. Congratulations 🙂

2 days, 12 hours ago
YAY!! Congratulations… amazing photos as always, but even more so that you took them yourselves 🙂

Haley & Michael Shandro
2 days, 12 hours ago
Congratulations!!!! Welcome to the club. I guess that answers the question of who you would get to take your wedding photos 😉 Incredible idea, beautiful photos (of course) and definitely very the two of you.
All the best from the Shandro!
Love, Haley, Michael & Andrew

the hankis
2 days, 12 hours ago
oh man! the photos are even better than we could have imagined…. LOVE! so completely and thoroughly you guys, and the ensembles are killer—wicked styling my friends. and um, the portrait under the lunch photo… freaking epic. yaaaaaay lims, we love you!

2 days, 12 hours ago
You guys are both absolutely gorgeous – I love every single detail! Congrats a bazillion times!

2 days, 13 hours ago
Wow! What an awesome surprise!
These images are stunning…STUN-NING.
Also, I’m super jealous, Santorini is my next vacation – hopefully sooner than later! My mother-in-law has gone a few times and absolutely raves about it.
Congratulations to the two of you, I hope to meet you in a few weeks time at the workshop!

2 days, 13 hours ago
CONGRATULATIONS!! Lauren you looked stunning!! Im so happy for you two!

2 days, 13 hours ago
WOW!! congrats you guys. these images, and both of you, are breathtaking. what an amazing adventure.

2 days, 13 hours ago
Congratulations to you both! What an amazing, special and truly intimate way to get married. Love the photos. Very amazing you took them yourselves!

2 days, 13 hours ago
OMG!!!! Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Lim! You both looked fantastic. I was wondering why Rob was putting on a suit as I scrolled down (thinking he was in a wedding party) and then I saw the beautiful bride! Congratulations!!!

READ  Amber, Chris & Allie // Family Portraits | Rob & Lauren’s Edmonton Wedding and Portrait Photography Blog

2 days, 13 hours ago
Oh my gosh Lauren.
Gorgeous photos from your wedding! Congratulations to you both!
Your absolutely right. Santorini is an amazing place. Visited the island this past summer.
All the best on the new exciting road!

Kyle Fox
2 days, 13 hours ago
So happy for you guys! You definitely added your own personal touch. Love it, and congrats!

Jenn & Jonathan
2 days, 13 hours ago
All I can say is awww & wow!

2 days, 13 hours ago
OMG congratulations!!!!! (:
i ❤❤❤ that you took the photos yourselves!!!
whatta blast that mustave been!!!!

2 days, 13 hours ago
Congratulations, awesome photos!!

2 days, 13 hours ago
Oh, and I want to add that the dress looks amazing and the photos are fantastic. You both look great! 🙂

2 days, 13 hours ago
congratulations!!! I love following your blog and being inspired by the two of you and seeing how you inspire each other! 🙂
wishing you nothing but the best!

2 days, 13 hours ago
Huge congrats to you both! 🙂
I saw the third image and thought, “Hey, that’s Santorini. I love Santorini!” I didn’t recognise you, Lauren, in the mirror-reflection shot, but I saw Rob doing his tie and thought, “Hey, that’s Rob! You guys got married!”
I’m very jealous about your wedding location.
Congrats, again. And you did your own photos? That’s kinda cool and kinda weird. 😉

2 days, 13 hours ago
OMG!!! Congratulations guys, this post was amazing! I actually had goosebumps! I totally love your dress lauren, you made a beautiful bride! Im so very happy for you two, a match made in heaven!!!

2 days, 13 hours ago
OMG!!! Congratulations guys, this post was amazing! I actually had goosebumps! Im so happy for you!
I totally love your dress lauren, you made a beautiful bride! Im so very happy for you two, a match made in heaven!!!

Pat Furey
2 days, 13 hours ago
Crazy! I thought you guys were married already this whole time! 🙂 So happy for you guys – dope pictures too.

Shauna Roughley
2 days, 13 hours ago
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I am beyond happy for you two! This wedding is so you, so fitting, so much fun! I am so happy to see you did it your way, and you sound so happy!
From one newlywed to another two, congratulations, wishing you a lifetime of FUN, love, laughter and many new adventures.
Shauna & Gareth

Renee Lyons
2 days, 13 hours ago
Congratulations Rob & Lauren! What an insanely awesome idea! You both looked amazing, and the pictures are gorgeous!

Jen Williams
2 days, 13 hours ago
Congrats you guys! AMAZING!!! Enjoy being newlyweds. SO SO SO Happy for you!

Erika & Ryan
2 days, 13 hours ago
Wow!!! Congratulations!!!!
We are so happy for you both, you both looked amazing!!!
When we were scrolling through the pics we both knew right away that you had taken them. We think its super romantic of you to do so.
We wish you all the best! You two are amazingly talented and passionate people and you deserve all the happiness in the world.

Erika & Ryan
2 days, 13 hours ago
Wow!!! Congratulations!!!!
We are so happy for you both, you both looked amazing!!!
When we were scrolling through the pics we both knew right away that you had taken them. We think its super romantic of you to do so.
We wish you all the best! You two are amazingly talented and passionate people and you deserve all the happiness in the world.

John Edgar
2 days, 13 hours ago
God, I genuinly love you guys so very very very much.. you are two of the most amazing, wonderful people I know… I can’t even begin to tell you or express how super excited I am that you’re married. You’re my favourites, and I hope we’re friends forever because when we hang out, the world seems pretty freaking awesome. You are truly a inspiration on so many levels..
I love you I love you I love you a million times over. Congratulations and all my best.

2 days, 14 hours ago
Congratulations guys! I was going through the photos and thinking “wth, did they shoot their own wedding?!” You guys did an amazing job with the photos, but everything else is SOOO cool as well. VERY nice!
Congrats again!!

2 days, 14 hours ago
OMG!! Congratulations you two!! I’m so freaking happy for you both and your photos are, as usual, awesome but DAMN YOU for not telling us and killing me with suspense! lol 😀
Congratulations x a million and happiness all around!

Erin – fuller edge
2 days, 14 hours ago
WOWZA!! CONGRATULATIONS GUYS!! So intimate and beautiful!

2 days, 14 hours ago
Wow, congratulations you two, that is really really cool! 🙂

2 days, 14 hours ago
CONGRATULATIONS!!! You guys brought me to tears with those photos! What an amazing way for two wedding photographers to get married! Way to go! Enjoy it 🙂

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